FREE Christian Book Downloads
Uplifting Books offers these FREE Christian Books in Mobi, ePub and/ or PDF; so no matter where you are in the world you can download these books for FREE to your computer or device or read them here online. God bless you!

Bible Readings – Bible Questions Answered provides the answers to all of your Bible questions straight from the Bible itself. This book has helped millions of people in their study of the Word of God. Get the answers to your pressing questions directly from the Bible. You will quickly see how this book can transform your Bible study into a fascinating and enlightening experience!

‘Christ’s Object Lessons’ is a companion volume to ‘The Desire of Ages’; presenting the parables of Jesus in a fresh light. This wonderful book offers a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Jesus Christ as they apply to our life today. The author presents these timeless truths in a manner that can be easily read and understood.

Every person who has come into this world has at some time in their lives pondered the big questions: Where did we come from? Where are we going? Does God exist? If God is all-powerful why doesn’t He prevent the spread of evil and its tragic results? Patriarchs and Prophets will answer all of these questions for you once and for all!

‘The Desire of Ages’ is the life story of Jesus Christ, and has brought inspiration and enlightenment to millions of readers all over the world. And with good reason, for it deals with a universal yearning – the desire for living life to its fullest with the knowledge that we are here for a reason – that we are loved. In the heart of all mankind, of whatever nationality or position in life, there are longings for something we do not now possess. This longing is implanted in the very heart of man by his Creator God. Man cannot be truly happy while he is separated from the God who formed him, and gave him the gift of life.

The Sermon on the Mount is Heaven’s benediction to the world – a voice from the throne of God. It was given to mankind to be to them the light of heaven, their hope and consolation in despondency, their joy and comfort in all the circumstances and walks of life. Here the Prince of preachers, the Master Teacher, utters the words that the Father gave Him to speak. ‘The Height of Blessing’ is only a small book, but it is a rich commentary on the greatest sermon ever preached!

The Ministry of Healing is written in clear, simple, beautiful language; full of hope to the despondent, a message of cheer to the sick, and a rest to the weary. For over one hundred years The Ministry of Healing has conveyed its helpful message to millions of readers in many different countries of the world and in many different languages. This book presents to us a better way; it reveals the path to a simpler, sweeter life, full of joy and happiness.