Prophecy Speaks
Earle Albert Rowell
110 pages
The Bible is like no other book in the world. It is abundantly evident that it is the Word of God. No other religion has a book filled with prophecies fulfilled one after another. Bible prophecy is astoundingly accurate in every detail. No human being could ever predict the miraculous prophecies that we find in the Bible. God alone has the power to foretell the future – and then bring it to pass: The Bible must either stand or fall according to the fulfillment of the remarkable prophecies it so boldly makes. The trustworthiness of God’s Word is at stake! For it is God Himself who has said: “… I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done …” (Isaiah 46:9-10).
God has embedded prophecy in His Word to prove that He is indeed God – He can foretell the future. Fulfilled Prophecy is God’s Challenge to the World! ‘Prophecy Speaks’ by Earle Albert Rowell will astound you as it details many of the amazing prophecies to be found in the Bible and shows from history their stunningly accurate fulfillment. This remarkable book is offered with the hope that it will turn the heart of the reader to full belief in the Bible as the infallible Word of God! ‘Prophecy Speaks’ has received more unsolicited commendation than any other book that the publishers have ever issued. If it is an inspiration to you we hope that you will join in its circulation by sharing it with your family and friends.
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