Our Father Hears

27 April 2024

Prayer is the breath of our soul, the channel through which God’s blessings flow.  When in repentance we pray to God, He sees our struggles, He watches our conflicts, and marks our sincerity.  He has His finger upon our pulse, and He is aware of every throb.  There is no feeling that thrills us, no emotion that disturbs us, no sorrow which grieves us; not one thought comes into our minds of which God is not immediately aware.  Our souls have been purchased at an infinite cost, and we are loved with a devotion that is firm and unchangeable.

When on earth Jesus had bodily wants to be supplied, He knew what it was to be weary, tired, hungry and thirsty.  He was braced for all His duties and trials through prayer to His Father.  Day by day He worked tirelessly seeking to save souls. His heart went out in tender sympathy for the weary and burdened. He spent whole nights in prayer to His Father on behalf of the tempted ones.

We are invited to carry all our cares and burdens to God in prayer, and to fasten ourselves to Christ by the cords of living faith. The Lord encourages us to pray and He has promised us that He will hear the prayers of those who trust in His infinite power. He is honoured when we draw close to Him and do His service. The arms of God are open wide to receive us, and He guides us and leads us onward and still onward. We can trustingly go forward; the Lord understands our case, and He will send us help.  We must continue to pray and have faith in God. “All things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” Matthew 21:22



7 Responses

  1. It is reassuring that our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us of which we know nothing.

  2. Thank you this ministered to my spirit. Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy; you have blessed me even when I didn’t deserve it.

  3. Wow you have a gift for writing the good news. I really like the way you wrote that. It in a way shows the challanges of living in Christ day by day. And your reference for God is inspirational.

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