God Will Answer

Sometimes we can find ourselves pondering over thoughts like these: Does God hear my prayer? Will God answer my prayer? Does God care about me?

Jesus knows all of your needs, and He loves to listen to your prayers. Shut out the world and everything that would attract your thoughts from God, and feel that you are alone with Him, that His eye looks into your inmost heart, and reads the desire of your soul. Talk with God in humble faith and claim His promises, and feel that although you have nothing in yourself whereby you may claim the favor of God, because of the merits and righteousness of Christ, you may come boldly to the throne of grace, and find help in time of need. There is nothing that can make you strong to resist the temptations that surround you in the great conflict of life, as to humbly seek God, laying before Him your soul in all its helplessness, expecting that He will be your helper and your defender.

With the trusting faith of a little child, go to your heavenly Father, telling Him all your needs. He is ready to pardon and help you. The supply of divine wisdom is inexhaustible, and the Lord encourages you to draw largely from it. Have a longing for spiritual blessings, a deep soul-hunger for the rich gifts that heaven has to bestow. Go into the audience chamber of the Most High, reaching up to Him with the hand of faith, casting your helpless soul upon the One mighty to save. His loving kindness is better than life.

Although we may have no extraordinary evidence that the face of our Saviour is bending over us in love and compassion; we do not feel His touch or hear His voice, but His loving hand is upon us in kindness and tenderness. God will answer every sincere prayer in the way that He considers for our best good. The answer may not come at the time you look for it or in the way you desire; but the answer from God will come in the way and at the very time you need it most. When we are lonely, weary or suffering through disappointment and trial, God will answer our heartfelt cry, not always in accordance with our expectation, but always for our best good.

