The Unerring Accuracy of the Stars
The Bible record says; “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Our world is a manufactured article. It has been planned and contrived.
The Mighty Orbs That Gem the Skies
Go any starry night at midnight and stand under the open sky and fix your gaze upon a certain star directly above you. Go again just one year from that moment to the same place, and look in the same direction, and you will find the same star in the same position. Go again after ten years or twenty years or five hundred years, and you will find the same star shining in the same place.
It has not been there all these years – its position has been changing every moment, but once a year the star comes around to the same place; for all the stars in the sky are moving in an orderly course, and with mathematical exactness. They are all parts of one magnificent timepiece, whose radiant pointers shine on the blue dial of the sky.
And while all these mighty orbs that gem the skies are flying through the universe from age to age, never colliding and never failing to be on time, we are asked to believe that there is no Creator of all these things; the universe exists by chance, running on the go-as-you-please plan?