God Will Answer
Sometimes we can find ourselves pondering over thoughts like these: Does God hear my prayer? Will God answer my prayer? Does God care about me?

How Did Evil Begin?
HOW DID EVIL BEGIN? How is it that we, the inhabitants of planet earth find ourselves living in a world that is on the one

What Is My Purpose?
What Is My Purpose? Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What is my purpose in life?”….. The Creator God, who made you for

Start Your Day With Him
Start Your Day With Him So often we dwell on the run of the mill, hum drum things of daily life, and keep our minds

The Heavenly City
The Heavenly City We are journeying towards the heavenly city. The heavenly kingdom is our place of rest. There is no sadness there. No

An Ant Considers the Universe
An Ant Considers the Universe Many times as we consider the existence of God, our mind turns to the thought that if God made

The Creator God’s Infinite Power Displayed
The Creator God’s Infinite Power Displayed The glorious things of nature bear witness to the Creator God who is infinite in power, abundant in love,

Which Came First – the Chicken or the Egg?
Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg? The question is often asked, “Which came first – the chicken or the egg?” Why, neither….

How Did We Get Here?
How Did We Get Here? As the earth came forth from the hand of the Creator, it was unsurpassed in its beauty. The surface of

The Unerring Accuracy of the Stars
The Unerring Accuracy of the Stars The Bible record says; “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Our world is a manufactured